Marion County Instructional Evaluation System (MCIES)

Educator effectiveness is the most influential factor to positively impact student achievement. In order to continue its goal of improving student achievement, the Marion County School District makes the professional growth of its educators an ongoing priority. The evaluation process is designed to provide time for rich and productive discussions between observed personnel and evaluators and to support every educator’s professional growth. Our goal is to promote innovative and effective instruction in every classroom.

The organization of the evaluation framework closely follows that of Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching. The framework for teaching encompasses the foundational ideas on which the observation process is based and guides how Marion County Public Schools (MCPS) defines effective teaching. The domains and components for instructional professional positions vary accordingly.

The Florida Department of Education reviews and approves each school district’s instructional personnel evaluation system and will monitor each district’s implementation of its evaluation system for compliance with the law.

Marion's Instructional Personnel Evaluation System Updated 05.28.24.pdf