The Professional Leadership and Learning Department is excited to be able to offer Florida Teacher Certification Examination (FTCE) test preparation resources! We have limited resources available to MCPS faculty/staff who are interested in studying for an upcoming, scheduled FTCE examination.
To request an FTCE test preparation book, please select the hyperlinked Request Form: FTCE Test Preparation Resource Book Request. Requests will be processed in the order they are received and you will be notified within three (3) to four (4) business days of your status. All resources will be sent through the courier to your school location.
Requests are processed on Monday to be delivered on Tuesday and on Thursday to be delivered on Friday.
We currently have resources for the following FTCE examinations:
- General Knowledge Test (GKT)
- Professional Educator (Pro Ed)
- Subject Area Examinations (SAE):
- Agriculture 6-12
- Art K-12
- Biology 6-12
- Business Education 6-12
- Computer Science K-12
- Earth/Space Science 6-12
- Engineering and Technology
- Health K-12
- Mathematics 6-12
- Middle Grades English 5 - 9
- Middle Grades General Science 5-9
- Middle Grades Math 5 - 9
- Physical Education K-12
- Reading K-12
- Elementary K-6
- English 6-12
- Exceptional Student Education (ESE) K-12
- Middle Grades Social Science (5-9)
- Pre-K/ Primary
- Social Science 6-12
- School Counseling PK - 12

External Test Preparation Resources
Register for your Florida Teacher Certification Examinations, view testing blueprints, and take practice exams!
Florida Teacher Certification Examination website

For additional information, contact:
Questions regarding certification requirements?
Marion County Public Schools Employment Services
Florida Department of Education
Questions regarding study programs and resources?
Phone: (352) 236-0577