Did you know there are six early release days on the school calendar for the 24/25 school year (excluding Wyomina)?
MAP now offers parents the option to register their student for ONLY early release days.
What you need to know
- Cost: $35 for first child / $10 for each additional child who is at the same site
- Charged for each early release day (regardless of usage)
- Registration fee & tuition for early release days are to guarantee your children have a spot for every early release day during the 24/25 school year.
- The Early Release Day contract allows your student(s) to attend the following early release days:
- 8/28/2024
- 9/25/2024
- 10/30/2024
- 1/29/2025
- 2/26/2025
- 3/26/2025
- Early Release Days for Wyomina Park
- 8/28/2024
- 1/29/2025
- 2/26/2025
- Once your contract is approved for the early release days, you will be invoiced the week before each early release day.
- Invoice amount must be paid in order for your student to attend the early release day.
- Late Payment Fee policy will apply to your early release day contracts.
- If you no longer need our services, the parent is responsible for submitting a withdrawal request.
- Schedule Change Requests: Students with an early release contract may complete a schedule change to the PM program; however, the request to the PM program will be added to the waiting list in the order received. The schedule change request will be approved once space becomes available.
$35.00 Registration Fee per Child
- Registration fees are non-refundable.
- Registration fees are charged upon approval.
- If the provided payment method fails during the approval process, the contract will not be approved. The contract will remain in the pending status and the approver will move on to the next pending contract. Admin will not notify the parents of the failed payment method. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure funds are available during the approval process.
- After the third failed attempt at approving the pending contract, the contract will be removed. If the parent still needs a spot for Marion Afterschool Programs, he/she may submit a new contract.
- It is the parent's responsibility to remove a pending contract if a spot is no longer needed in MAP.
Helpful Tips for New Eleyo Users
Information Needed to Register
- A minimum of three emergency contacts
- First and Last Name
- Address
- Phone number
- Student's allergy and/or medical information
- A Credit/ Debit card or ACH number

Still have questions? Click the button below to view our MAP FAQs.

We look forward to serving your afterschool program needs in the 2024/ 2025 school year.