Visual Arts

Visual Arts

Visual arts help to develop and refine fine motor skills, improve social skills, develop empathy and express emotions through a creative outlet. They help to improve decision-making, critical thinking, and logical thinking skills. Integrating the visual arts into other subjects can also increase retention and subject recall. 

Every elementary and secondary school in Marion County has a full-time arts educator with a variety of arts courses offered at the secondary levels. 

Kids Tag Art

Kids Tag Art Event Logo

Since 2012, the Marion County Tax Collector’s office has partnered with the Marion County Public School’s elementary art teachers to offer this unique program. Kids Tag Art inspires our students’ creative abilities by allowing them to design their own license plate. Each participating school earns 100% of the proceeds from sales, plus a share of sponsorship money which is donated to our elementary art programs.

Each participating school chooses their top five works of art, and of those, two are selected by a committee of judges as Awards of Distinction. The two Awards of Distinction students are honored in an awards ceremony attended by families, teachers, administrators, and the sponsors. At the ceremony, the sponsors announce their Choice Awards.

All of the Awards of Distinction tags are displayed at the Appleton Museum after the award ceremony.

The 2025 Kids Tag Art Award Ceremony will be held on Saturday, February 8th at Marion Technical Institute Auditorium at 10:00 am.