Performing Arts


Helps physical development, increases emotional maturity, makes students more socially aware, and increases cognitive development. 

We currently offer full dance programs at Madison Street Academy, Belleview High School, and West Port High School. 




Music helps develop language and reasoning, helps develops memorization mastery skills, promotes craftsmanship, increases coordination, keeps students engaged in school, fine-tunes auditory skills, develops creative thinking, develops spatial intelligence, improves team working skills, and gives students better self-confidence.

Every elementary school in Marion County offers a music program for their K-5 students. Our secondary schools offer a variety of band and choral classes. Some of our schools offer additional music courses such as keyboard, music theory, and guitar. Please contact your school for more information!



Improves self-confidence, improves imagination, develops empathy, enhances cooperation/collaboration, improves concentration, improves communication skills, serves as an emotional outlet, improves self-discipline, fosters problem-solving skills, and helps students become more socially aware.

At the elementary level theatre is offered at Madison Street Academy. At the secondary level, theatre is offered at many of our schools either during the regular scheduled day or as an after school enrichment program. Please reach out to your school to find out more!