Title I Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY)

Is your three, four, or five-year old child ready to start school?
Consider this FREE opportunity for parents of Preschool Youngsters!
The Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) is a parent involvement and school readiness program offered without cost to parent participants. The HIPPY Model offers free home-based early childhood education for three, four and five year old children working with their parent(s) as their first teacher. The parent will receive a set of developmentally appropriate materials, curriculum and books designed to strengthen their children's cognitive skills, early literacy skills, social/emotional and physical development.
View HIPPY Flyer
Title I HIPPY Program
On the campus of Fordham Early Learning Academy
4000 West Anthony Road
Ocala, FL 34475
If you would like more information about the Title One HIPPY Program, please contact Iris Starkes-Butler at 352-671-4171.