Food & Nutrition Wellness Initiatives
As a result of the increased concern about childhood obesity, Food & Nutrition Services (FNS) made a commitment to closely monitor food and beverages served in our county's school cafeterias. We continue to make appropriate changes to improve the nutritional profile of our menus and a-la-carte snack programs.
All menus were centralized and planned by a registered dietitian.
- USDA nutrient requirements were strictly adhered to by using nutrient-analysis software called Nutrikids.
- Implemented offer vs. serve and choices of at least two entrees at elementary schools and six choices at all secondary schools.
- Introduced healthy vending machines in all secondary schools, offering nutritious choices.
- Introduced Healthy Cow – a fat-free milk product that has 10g less sugar than regular flavored milk.
- Provided a county-wide program offering a choice of fresh fruit at both school breakfasts and lunches.
- Developed a customized webpage with current information about our department, including menus, meal payment options, and current events.
- The MCPS Wellness Policy was passed by the school board and implemented in all schools.
- All a-la-carte snack items sold are nutritionally analyzed to meet the guidelines of the MCPS Wellness Policy. Decisions on snack items are made at the district level by our registered dietitian.
- Implemented more whole-grain entrée items such as rolls, toast, pizza, corn dogs, and bagels.
- Introduced new healthy menu choices such a light delight salads and the deli shop wraps, sandwiches and yogurt parfaits.
- Removed packaged chips with the exception of baked chips. Gatorade and fruit juice are now only offered in 12-ounce portions or less.
- In addition, we are taking a stand on nutrition education and providing teachers with materials to integrate nutrition-related curriculum in the classroom.
If you have a nutritional question or concern, please feel free to e-mail Ms. Ramona Belcher or go to our Child Nutrition Q & A link for frequently asked questions.
Marion county Food Services invites you to use this website to help you better understand the importance of winning the race on nutrition.
Nutrition Standards for All Snacks Served (food items sold individually):
- will have no more than 35% of its calories from fat
- will have no more than 10% of its calories from saturated fat
- will have no more than 40% of its weight from added sugars
Allowed Beverages: water (plain and flavored); 100% fruit and vegetable juices and fruit-based drinks that contain at least 50% fruit juice; sport drinks containing 12 fluid ounces or less; unflavored and flavored low-fat and fat-free milk products.
Not Allowed: fruit-based drinks containing less than 50% real fruit juice and beverages containing caffeine.
Nutrition Information: Below is the link to all of the nutritional information for all items served in our school meal program. Information includes portion size, total calories, total fat, total saturated fat, carbohydrates and sodium. If you would like any additional information about products served, please contact our Registered Dietitian Tammy Cook 671-4192.
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