The Exceptional Student Education (ESE) Parent Liaison is employed by the School Board and is available to facilitate communication between parents and schools about a child’s special education services. A Parent Liaison will respond to requests for assistance by either parents or school personnel.
The primary responsibility of the Parent Liaison is to enhance the ESE student’s opportunity to access a Free & Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). In order to do this, the Parent Liaison helps facilitate communication between parents and schools, forums, and parent training. They assist parents of students with disabilities who may need further explanation or support concerning the Exceptional Student Educational process. (Initial evaluations, Procedural Safeguards, IEP’s, placement, services, etc.) They also attend IEP meetings at the request of parents or schools. Schools may contact the Parent Liaison if they anticipate the need for assistance with communication or resources.
The Parent Liaison:
- Answers questions regarding a variety of Exceptional Student Education issues
- Assists parents of students with disabilities who may need further explanation or support concerning the Exceptional Student Educational process
- Attends meetings at the request of schools or parents
- Provides parents with information/resources and training to help them be more informed participants in their child’s education
- Scheduled parent/educator training
- Facilitates regularly scheduled Exceptional Student Education Parent Advisory Committee meetings
Although Parent Liaisons are employed by the School Board to assist parents, they do not take sides in any issues. Their primary responsibility is to see that ESE students receive the educational services to which they are entitled.
Please contact the ESE Department at 352-671-6832.