What is Controlled Open Enrollment?
Established by state statute. Parents can choose to enroll their students in any school that has capacity. A school is considered to have capacity if under 90% of Florida Inventory of School House (F.I.S.H.) enrollment. Applications are accepted through the third quarter of each school year. Applications are submitted online using the School Choice process. Applications are accepted for the following school year starting April 1, after school capacities are determined. Transportation is not included, and students will be treated as out of zoned. State statute requires that school districts post capacity by grade level on the district website and keep waitlists for schools closed for Controlled Open Enrollment.
Please Note: Transportation is not provided for out-of-area placements. Out-of-area placements do not occur during the fourth nine weeks of the school calendar.
What is the process for applying for Controlled Open Enrollment in Marion County Public Schools?
To apply for Controlled Open Enrollment, you must submit a School Choice Application. Review the schools listed below with available seats. If a school is not listed, it has over 90% enrollment and no available seats for out-of-area or "Controlled Open Enrollment" placement. To apply or be placed on a waitlist, submit a School Choice application by clicking on the link below.
The Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) determines facility capacity using the Florida Inventory of School Houses (FISH) report.
For greater details on school and grade level capacity, please review the linked document.
MCPS 2024 - 2025 Enrollment by Grade