Florida Teacher Certification Exams are required for
educators to receive a Florida Professional Certificate. All educators will
need to satisfy Mastery of General Knowledge, Subject Area, and Professional
Preparation Competence. In most instances Mastery is determined by passing of a
Florida Teacher Certification Exam.
All Florida Teacher Certification Exams
(FTCE) are administered via computer-based administrations. Click here to register for an
exam. The Pearson Testing Center in Gainesville is the closest testing site to
Marion County residents. However, if you wish to schedule a review appointment
following an unsuccessful attempt, this particular site is not equipped to
offer that option.
Educators who are teaching in an out-of-field assignment may
also need to pass a subject area exam in order to become in-field.
Passing exam scores are only valid for 10 years.
The testing option to add a subject is not available for master-level subjects.
Test Prep Resources
FTCE/FELE Test Guides
FLDOE Exam Information
MCPS Free Test Prep Guides
EXAM FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Contingent upon budget approval each year, Title I & II dollars are available to assist current out-of-field personnel who are taking a subject area exam to become in field. Upon request, reimbursement is available for one test fee administration of $150 for the purpose of becoming infield for your current assignment during the instructional contract period. The exam result must produce a passing score to qualify for the reimbursement. The reimbursement will not be processed until the subject has been added to your certificate. Exam dates and receipt of the new certificate which reflects the addition must be completed in the same year which reimbursement is requested. Due to the nature of these earmarked grant funds, the deadline for submission and all supporting documentation is June 1st of each year. The Exam Reimbursement Request form is available in Employment Services and must be submitted for verification before it will be forwarded for processing of payment.