A collaborative force that aligns all stakeholders in developing life-long individual learners by providing supplemental support for diverse growth opportunities.
The Office of Grants and Federal Programs is responsible for all grant funding received by the district for the implementation of federal, state, and local initiatives. The Office of Grants and Federal Programs assists the following grants totaling over 40 million dollars:
- Title I, Part A – Basic
- Title I, Part C – Migrant
- Title I, Part D – Neglected & Delinquent
- Title IV, Part B – 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC)
- Title X, Part C – Education for Homeless Children & Youth
- IDEA – Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
- FDLRS – Florida Diagnostic & Learning Resources System
- Carl D. Perkins – Secondary & Post Secondary
- HIPPY – Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters
- Adult Basic Education
The Director of Grants and Federal Programs is directly responsible for the following grants and programs: Title I, Parts A and C, and 21st CCLC.
If you would like additional information about Grants & Federal Programs please call 352.671.4171.