Section 1003.04, Fla. Stat. (2023) Student Conduct and Parental Involvement
- Each public K-12 student must remain in attendance throughout the school year, unless excused by the school for illness or other good cause, and must comply fully with the school’s code of conduct.
- The parent of each public K-12 student must cooperate with the authority of the student’s district school board, superintendent, principal, teachers, and school bus drivers, according to § 1003.31 and § 1003.32, Fla. Stats. (2023), to remove the student from the classroom and the school bus and, when appropriate and available, to place the student in an alternative educational setting, if the student is disobedient, disrespectful, violent, abusive, uncontrollable, or disruptive.
- It is the goal of the legislature, and each district school board, that the parent of each public K-12 student complies with the school’s reasonable and time-acceptable parental involvement requests.
Code of Civility
A child's education happens through partnerships between the student, MCPS employees, parent(s) or guardian(s), and the community. Active partnerships include sharing responsibilities, contributing to meaningful communication, and welcoming participation.
Partnerships are most powerful when parties work together. Meaningful partnerships include respect for each other, truthful communication, kindness toward others, and mutual efforts to support students and the school campus learning environment.
With this understanding, the Marion County School Board and Marion County Public Schools expect that students, employees, parents/guardians, and members of the community will:
- Treat each other with courtesy and respect by:
- Listening carefully with regard for others as they express their opinions, different as they may be;
- Sharing our opinions and concerns with appropriate language and gestures and without profanity.
- Demonstrate kindness by:
- Treating each other in positive ways;
- Using behavior/language that is not demeaning, abusive, or obscene in any communications to include but not limited to the following: class messaging, email, or social media.
- Cooperate with each other by:
- Responding in supportive ways when asked for assistance;
- Recognizing and respecting time constraints and obligations faced by everyone involved;
- Notifying each other about safety, academics, or events that might impact education and contribute to our common goal of supporting students and the school campus learning
Authority and Enforcement of the Code of Civility
- Any stakeholder who believes they have not been treated in a manner reflective of this Code of Civility should report that behavior as follows:
- A student should report it to the appropriate school administrator.
- A parent, guardian, or community member should report it to the employee’s supervisor.
- An employee should use the following communication guidelines:
- Politely and calmly ask the speaker to communicate in a cordial way.
- If the speaker uses verbal abuse, give notice to the speaker that the communication/conversation/meeting may end if abuse continues.
- If on MCPS property, request an administrator or authorized person to direct the speaker to immediately leave.
- If the speaker does not immediately leave, an administrator or other authorized person shall notify law enforcement for necessary action.
Student Rights And Responsibilities
This section summarizes the basic principles of student rights. With each right comes a responsibility. The principal, under the supervision of the Superintendent and within School Board policies, shall assume administrative responsibility and instructional leadership of the school to which he or she is assigned. The faculty and staff shall assist in the orderly operation of the school and ensure the rights of the students.
Academic Honor Code
Student Responsibilities:
- To uphold the highest standards of academic integrity in school work
- To present school work that is clearly their own on all tests, quizzes, reports, assignments, papers, homework and any school related test (PSAT, FAST, SAT, etc.) unless otherwise stated by teacher.
- To not assist others in cheating or any other form of academic dishonesty.
- To refuse to tolerate academic dishonesty in others.
Student Rights:
- To be able to contribute to and work in an environment of trust and academic integrity.
- To know that all members of their school community will promote and uphold academic honesty
- To know that all forms of cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated.
Student Responsibilities:
- To attend all classes daily and be on time
- To provide the school with an adequate written explanation or appropriate documentation indicating the reason for the absence within three (3) days of the absence.
- To request makeup assignments from teachers upon the return to school and to complete this work within one (1) day for each day of absence except in the case of extenuating circumstances.
Student Rights:
- To be informed of School Board policies and individual school rules regarding absenteeism and tardiness.
- To appeal a decision pertaining to an absence
- To make up class work within one (1) day for each day absent
Athletics and Extracurricular Activities
Students must be present for the majority of the school day to participate in extracurricular activities unless otherwise approved by school administration. These include but are not limited to dances, special events, club activities and athletics.
Right to Learn and Participate - Curriculum/Counseling
- To request participation in academic programs and extracurricular activities that are commensurate with ability.
- To cooperate with the instructor and contribute to an atmosphere free from bias and prejudice.
- To cooperate fully and exert every effort to achieve mastery of the basic skills.
- To have equal opportunity with regard to academic programs and extracurricular activities within feasible limits imposed on, or by, the school.
- To receive instruction in courses of study under competent instructors in an atmosphere free from bias and prejudice.
- To participate in appropriate basic skills programs in elementary, middle, and high schools.
Extracurricular and Intrascholastic Activities
A student’s behavior, academic performance, and age may affect a student’s eligibility to participate in interscholastic and/or intrascholastic extracurricular student activities, as determined under applicable Florida law, regulations, bylaws, MCPS Policy, and the Code of Student Conduct. In particular, the Florida Statutes establish specific student standards for participation in interscholastic and intrascholastic extracurricular student activities, which include detailed academic and behavioral requirements. See § 1006.15, Fla. Stats. (2023).
School Board Policy 5610.05 establishes eligibility requirements for all students who participate in athletics. In order to be eligible to participate in interscholastic and/or intrascholastic extracurricular athletic activities, a student-athlete must meet all of the requirements established by the Florida High School Athletic Association, Inc. and the School Board, and maintain satisfactory conduct as defined under Florida Statutes and the Code of Student Conduct.
Free Speech/Expression/Assembly
- To respect the rights of other individuals; to express disagreement in a manner which does not infringe upon the rights of others and does not interfere with the orderly educational process.
- To act in a manner which preserves the dignity of patriotic observances, including standing for the Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem by following the guidelines established by the United States Congress in 36 U.S.C. 172 and 4 U.S.C. 4 and in accordance with Florida law.
- The right to not stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem can be exercised only upon written parental request, and students invoking this right with parental consent will not be penalized.
- To respect the religious beliefs of others.
- To plan for, seek approval of, and conduct activities that are consistent with the educational objectives of the school.
- To be respected as an individual and to perform and express viewpoints through speaking and writing in a manner which is not obscene, slanderous or libelous and which is not disruptive to an orderly school environment.
- To affirm their identity with the American ideals.
- To refrain from activity which violates the precepts of their religion or holds it up to ridicule.
- To assemble peaceably on school grounds or in school buildings. Such assembly shall be consistent with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations.
- Slander, libel, or defame others.
- Discriminate when organizing or recruiting for clubs or groups.
- Violate the Code of Student Conduct in the areas of profanity, harassment, bullying and hazing.
Student Responsibilities:
- To become informed of the grading criteria.
- To maintain standards and academic performance commensurate with ability and to make every effort to improve performance upon receipt of notification of unsatisfactory progress.
- To make use of grade reporting systems currently in place (including online) to keep track of assignments and current grades
- To contact their teacher when they are failing or at risk of failing in an effort to improve their situation.
Student Rights:
- To receive a teacher's grading criteria at the beginning of each year or semester course.
- To receive reasonable notification of failure or potential failure at any time during the grading period when it is apparent unsatisfactory work is being performed.
Privacy And Property Rights
Student Responsibilities:
- To attend school and other school activities without bringing materials or objects prohibited by law or other items that will detract from the educational process.
- To respect the property rights of the public at large as well as those of individuals and to refrain from destruction of or damage to such property
- To turn in to school officials property found on the school grounds that does not belong to the student.
Student Rights:
- To maintain privacy of personal possessions unless appropriate school personnel have reasonable cause to believe a student possesses any object or material which is prohibited by law or School Board policy.
- To attend school in an educational environment in which personal property is respected
Student Publications
Student Responsibilities:
- To refrain from publishing libelous and obscene materials; to seek full information on the topics about which they write; and to observe the normal rules for responsible journalism under the guidance of the faculty advisor.
Student Rights:
- To participate in the development and distribution of publications as a part of the educational process.
Student Records
Student Responsibilities:
- To inform the school of any information that may be useful in making appropriate educational decisions.
- To authorize release of pertinent information to those individuals or agencies who are working actively and constructively for the benefit of the student.
Student Rights:
- To inspect, review and challenge the information contained in records directly relating to the student.
- To be protected by legal provisions which prohibit the release of personally identifiable information to other than legally authorized persons without the consent of the parent or eligible student. Eligible students are those 18 years of age or over and/or those attending a post-secondary institution.
Student Use Of Wireless Communication Devices
Cell phones and similar wireless devices may be in the possession of students on campus but cannot be visible or activated during regular school hours. The exception to this would be with administrative approval. Students may use such devices while being transported on district vehicles provided their use does not result in a disruption and a headphone, ear bud or other accessory is used so that it cannot be heard by others. Use of a wireless communication device includes the possibility of the imposition of disciplinary action, including but not limited to confiscation by the school and/or criminal penalties if the device is used in a criminal act. Using or possessing a wireless communication device to view, or transfer, or store material of a sexual nature is a violation of the Code of Student Conduct and may be a criminal act. The unauthorized recording and/or photographing of employees, volunteers and/or students is prohibited. Refusal to allow search of electronic device will be considered gross insubordination and/or other serious misconduct and may result in a suspension, alternative placement, or expulsion. The school will not be held responsible for lost, stolen or damaged cell phones and/or any other electronic devices.
Electronic Equipment
Cameras, video cameras, IPODs and other similar electronic equipment are not allowed on the school campus unless pre-approved by school administration/designee. Video recording is prohibited on school campuses without administrative approval. Refer to individual school handbook for further guidelines.
Acceptable Use Policy And Guidelines For Network Access
The School Board of Marion County, FL (MCSB) believes network access is an exciting opportunity to expand learning for educators, students and parents. The fundamental goal of the network is to provide Marion County students and educators with equal access to the computing resources, which serve public education. Schools in the district will have the capacity to connect to the Internet and electronic mail. With this opportunity comes the responsibility for appropriate use.
Network Warning
With access to computers and to people all over the world, there will be some material that may not be considered to be of educational value. There may be some material, individual contacts or communication, which is not suitable for school-age children. The MCSB supports only those materials which will enhance the research and inquiry of the learner within the context of a school setting. However, on a global network it is impossible to control all materials, and an industrious user may discover inappropriate information. The MCSB cannot prevent the possibility that some users may access material that is not consistent with the school district’s educational mission, goals and policies.
General Policy & Guidelines
It is a general policy that the network will be used in a responsible, efficient, ethical and legal manner in accordance with the mission of MCSB. Users must acknowledge their understanding and agreement with the Acceptable Use Policy and Guidelines as a condition of receiving access. Failure to adhere to the Policy and Guidelines may result in access privileges being suspended or revoked. In addition, school disciplinary action and/or appropriate legal action may be taken.
Network Resources
Classroom resources will be expanded enormously by making appropriate information available to students, teachers, and others. It brings instant access to appropriate original materials, general information, data, and images. Such access spawns individual and group projects, collaboration, curriculum materials and idea sharing. As a hands-on tool, the network can motivate students.
Guideline I
Acceptable uses of the network are activities which support teaching and learning. Users are encouraged to develop uses which meet their individual needs and which take advantage of the network’s function.
Guideline II
Unacceptable uses of the network include:
- Using the network to access materials that are considered inappropriate for educational purposes.
- Trying in any way to interfere with the computer systems within the MCSBMCPS or anywhere, in an effort to obtain private information, have the computer malfunction or destroy data.
- Violating federal and state law dealing with students’ rights to privacy.
- Using profanity, obscenity or other language which may be offensive to another user.
- Reposting personal communications without the author’s prior consent.
- Copying commercial software and other copyright protected material in violation of copyright law.
- Using the network for any illegal activity.
- Use of VPN and Proxy websites is prohibited.
- Students are not authorized to connect personally owned devices to the WIRED or WIRELESS network at any time (Example: computers, printers, switches, hubs, router, wireless access points, gaming systems, and mini-devices) with the exception of those personal devices outlined in Guideline III.
- Sending unauthorized or unsolicited e-mail “spam” including the sending of “junk mail” or other advertising material.
- Circumventing user authentication or security of any host, network, or account.
- Any form of harassment via e-mail, text messaging, instant messaging, telephone or paging, whether through language, frequency, or size of messages.
Guideline III
- The District Technology Division reserves the right to limit the number of devices or manage the bandwidth available to any network at any time if it is in the best interest of the School Board.
- The School Board provides students the ability to connect personal devices (Example: laptop, chrome book, and phones) to the “Student Wireless Network.” The “STUDENT” Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) network is an unsecure, CIPA-compliant network provided for use by students who have an authorized user account assigned to them by the School Board. Students must authenticate using their assigned login credentials. Each school shall establish local procedures for use and availability of the student network. Student use of this network is primarily governed by the Student Technology Acceptable Use and Safety Policy 7540.03, Student Code of Conduct and local school guidelines.
- The owner of any personal device connecting to the School Board network bears all responsibility and assumes all risk for loss, damage or misuse of said device while on School Board property.
- The District Technology and Information Systems Division will not provide any technical or troubleshooting support for personally owned devices.
Guideline IV
The person in whose name the account is issued is responsible at all times for its proper use and will not give his/her password toothers.
Guideline V
Users must avoid knowingly or inadvertently spreading computer viruses. They must not upload files from unknown sources.Deliberate attempts to degrade or disrupt system performance will be viewed as criminal activity by state and federal law.
Guideline VI
Students are authorized to utilize the domain for e-mail and collaboration tools for instructional learning. Never consider electronic communications to be completely private. Instances of misdirected mail, mail inadvertently forwarded to others and public posting of private correspondence by users have occurred from time to time.
Parent Rights
Parents of students enrolled in the Marion County Public Schools have many rights, which include:
- The right to have their children educated in a valued learning environment.
- The right to expect that communication with staff be respectful and timely.
- The right to expect effective instruction, conducted with minimal interruption.
- The right to expect a safe, respectful, and healthy environment free from harassment and physical harm.
- The right to examine personal school records in accordance with FERPA.
- The right to high academic standards, and individualized concern for all learners, including those with disabilities.
- The right to address questions or grievances to the proper school authority and expect a timely, respectful reply.
- The right to expect students to be treated in a respectful, responsible, fair and equitable manner.
- The right to review video captured on campus video cameras of a specific incident in which their child has been accused of a violation of the Code of Student Conduct.
Parent Responsibilities
- To read and discuss both the Code of Student Conduct and the school’s handbook with your child.
- To inform and provide documentation as required.
- Students are temporarily excluded from school to prevent the spread of head lice. The family is responsible to treat for head lice and remove all nits from the student’s hair before the child returns to school for an inspection. Absences related to head lice are limited to one (1) excused day per occurrence.
- To provide an updated Student Medical Information form to the enrolled school each year.
- To inform the school of any information that may be useful in making appropriate educational decisions.
- To authorize release of pertinent information to those individuals or agencies who are working actively and constructively for the benefit of the student.
- To understand the right to inspect, review and challenge the information contained in records directly relating to the students.
- To be protected by legal provisions which prohibit the release of personally identifiable information to other than legally authorized persons without the consent of the parent or eligible student. Eligible students are those 18 years of age or over, those attending a post-secondary institution or an emancipated minor under state law.
- To not leave students at school more than thirty (30) minutes before the start of the school day or more than thirty (30) minutes after the school day unless special arrangements with a teacher, administrator or a before/after school care program have been made. Supervision will not be provided beyond that time, and the proper authorities may be called. This timeline includes after school activities.
- Subject to law and rules of the State Board of Education and of the district school board, each student enrolled in a school shall: (a) during the time she or he is being transported to or from school at public expense; (b) during the time she or he is attending school; (c) during the time she or he is on the school premises participating with authorization in a school sponsored activity; or (d) during a reasonable time before and after the student is on the premises for attendance at school or for authorized participation in a school-sponsored activity, and only when on the premises, be under the control and direction of the principal or teacher in charge of the school, and under the immediate control and direction of the teacher or other member of the instructional staff or of the bus driver to whom such responsibility may be assigned by the principal. The School Board of Marion County, Florida, is responsible for the supervision of students on school grounds thirty (30) minutes before or after the activity is scheduled or actually begins or ends, whichever period is longer. A school or district school board may, by policy or other formal action, assume a longer period of supervision. Casual or incidental contact between school district personnel and students on school property shall not result in a legal duty to supervise outside of the reasonable times set forth in this section, provided that parents shall be advised in writing twice per year or by posted signs of the school’s formal supervisory responsibility and that parents should not rely on additional supervision. The duty of supervision shall not extend to anyone other than students attending school and students authorized to participate in school sponsored activities. Please refer to your school’s beginning and ending hours and arrange for supervision of your child accordingly. Parents should not rely on school supervision outside the time limits of such policy (please note that proper authorities may be called). [School Board Policy: 5500; §1003.31, Florida Statutes (2023)]. Students who are not picked up within the designated time may be socially suspended from school activities.
- To be aware that when parents are divorced or separated, both parents have full rights to participate in the child’s school activities and know what is happening at school unless there is a court document limiting that access. If such a document exists, then the principal must have a certified copy. Each parent will be allowed to remove the child from school without the permission of the other parent unless there is a certified copy of a court order saying that one parent cannot remove the child from school. Each parent has access to student records and information unless a court order prohibits such access. If there is a designated primary residential parent or if one parent has been designated as having authority/responsibility for educational decisions, then that parent is considered by the school to be the primary contact parent. If there is no such designation, or if both parents are designated in either capacity, then either parent is considered by the school to be a contact parent. The mother of a child born out of wedlock is the natural guardian of the child and is entitled to primary residential care and custody of the child unless the court enters an order stating otherwise.
- To know that when a child becomes ill or is injured at school, the school will make every effort to notify the parent. When requested by school personnel, parents are required to remove the child from school immediately. Children not picked up may be transported to the emergency room by Emergency Medical Staff (EMS) at the parent’s expense.
- To understand that no student may carry any non-prescription (over the counter) medication or prescription medication in his/her pocket or purse or on his/her person during school hours. Administration of any medication (prescription or non-prescription) will be administered in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Marion County School Board. Principal may authorize a student to carry certain supplies, equipment and medication as described in § 1002.20(3), Fla. Stat. (2021), as long as a permission form has been signed by the parent and the student’s physician. Medicines must be picked up at the end of the school year or they will be discarded.
- To reimburse at replacement value for lost or damaged textbooks, materials, equipment etc. belonging to the district.
- To retrieve from principal/designee confiscated materials and lost and found items within forty-five (45) days of their loss or confiscation. These items may be discarded after forty-five (45) days.
- To understand that student cell phones are not to be activated during regular school hours, unless with administrative approval. Emergency contact of a student should be made through the school office.
Disclaimer Of Responsibility For Personal Property
Although the school attempts to maintain a safe and secure environment, theft and loss do sometimes occur. All personal property in possession of the student should be identified with the student’s name. The school disclaims responsibility for any lost, stolen, broken or confiscated property. The school will not be held responsible for lost, stolen or damaged cell phones and/or any other electronic devices. Parents send and students bring such items to school at their own risk. Students are expected to turn in to the office any found items.
Safety And Security
Maintaining a safe and secure environment is the primary priority of the MCSB. It is the belief of the School Board that all students have the right to attend school and school functions free of fear, harm or harassment. The policies and procedures outlined in the Code of Student Conduct have been adopted in support of this fundamental premise.
Please note that the School Board cooperates with federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies in reporting, preventing and responding to unlawful activities occurring on the campuses of the Marion County Public Schools.
In order for the School Board to implement its responsibilities fully, it is important that enrollment and emergency information be kept up to date at each student’s school through Skyward Parent Portal access. It is the responsibility of each student and his or her parent to report changes in enrollment or emergency information to the school.
Video cameras have been installed throughout the buildings of Marion County Public School campuses. Students may be filmed and the videotapes may be used to determine violations of the Code of Student Conduct.
Crisis Protocol
The Marion County School District has implemented the ALICE Protocol in the event of an active shooting. The A.L.I.C.E. Protocol stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter and Evacuate. The ALICE Protocol is a multiple options-based response, which creates distance from the shooting event and/or the amount of time you can create to keep an intruder away until Law Enforcement arrives.
Providing a safe and secure environment for our students to learn is the top priority of the Marion County School Board. Measures have been taken to ensure our staff and students are prepared in the event a crisis situation occurs in one of our schools. A comprehensive Crisis Management Plan has been created to guide our staff through a wide variety of situations. Fire drills, tornado drills, and other emergency drills are practiced at each site to ensure that routines and safety procedures are well established and familiar to all.
In a code yellow, all school doors will be locked and regular classroom instruction continues behind the locked doors. In a code red, all school doors are locked and all students and staff are advised to get on the floor away from doors and windows. Classroom instruction is discontinued.
What parents need to know during an emergency situation:
- Please DO expect to be notified with a special parent advisory sent home from the school and/or with a telephone message from our telephone notification service when the school is able to provide accurate information and/or the incident is resolved.
- Please DO cooperate with school and/or district directives.
- Please DO consult local media for regular updates about the incident. Listen for information updates on local radio and television stations. You may be directed to an off-campus parent staging area for the latest information regarding a campus crisis.
- Please DO NOT call the school because phone lines will be needed for emergency communication.
- Please DO NOT call or text your child’s cell phone because cell phones are not to be used during an emergency situation unless the situation warrants the use of a cellular device.
- Please DO NOT go to the school if an emergency situation should occur. Roads are closed, doors are locked and campuses are off-limits to anyone other than authorized personnel.
Pursuant to § 120.54 Fla. Stat., in the event of an emergency, the Superintendent or the School Board can enact additional rules governing student conduct which shall be enforced as included in this Code of Student Conduct.
Student And Family Reunification Plan
In case of a school emergency or a natural disaster, you need to be aware of our school’s plan for releasing your child. First and foremost, remain calm. Remember, it is our primary concern that students remain safe at all times, and there is a plan for an orderly dismissal and release of our students.
When you learn that your child’s school is in any emergency situation, do not call the school and do not come to the school. Staff will be very busy during an emergency and will not be able to attend to the safety of your children if they have to answer your phone calls. If you come to the school during an emergency, in all likelihood you will not be allowed into the school or even into the inner perimeter set up by emergency responders. The presence of hundreds of parents showing up on the scene will hinder the efforts of emergency responders which in turn may jeopardize the safety of your child. Instead, if the situation warrants the release of students, direct notification to your listed emergency contact numbers as well as the use of local news media will provide instructions on when and where the release will take place. Students may be bussed to an off-site location for their release to parents.
Once an all-clear is given at the school, and if there is a need to release students for the day, the Student and Family Reunification Plan will be put into action. For the safety of every child, we must document to whom each child is released. Students will only be released to a parent or childcare personnel as
designated on your child’s school Emergency and Medical Information Form in Skyward. Depending on each particular situation the reunification site could be the base school or an off-site location.
When you arrive at the facility where students will be released, proceed to the Check–In Gate and plan to do the following:
- Fill out a Student Release Form
- Present picture identification
- Move to the Student Release Gate and wait for your child
- A runner will go to the Assembly Area, get your child, and bring him/her to the release area
- Be prepared to show your ID again
- Sign for the student and depart
REMINDER: Your child will be released only to those listed on the Emergency and Medical Information Form in Skyward. It is therefore imperative that you keep your child’s emergency and medical information up to date. Know also that if for any reason your child is not picked up, he/she will be placed in an alternate place of safety. These procedures should be shared with everyone you list on the Emergency and Medical Information Form so they are familiar with our plan and these concerns. If you have any questions about the Student and Family Reunification Plan, contact your child’s school principal.