Student Wellness Check-In Surveys
Below are links for the Elementary and Secondary Student Check-In Surveys. Students can use these surveys to request support from MCPS mental health personnel.
Elementary Student Check-In
Secondary Student Check-In
Students in Crisis
If you need immediate support due to a crisis, please utilize the below resources.
- Call 911: Utilize emergency response services if you are in immediate danger and/or require emergency response personnel.
- Call 988: Utilize this number as a suicide crisis lifeline. This three-digit number will route the caller to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
- Call the Mobile Response Team (MRT) at 1-800-539-4228: The Mobile Response Team cares for children, adolescents, and adults who are feeling depressed, alone, suicidal, or bullied. The team responds to local calls from SMA Healthcare, Inc.
Accessing MCPS Mental Wellness Resources
Students may be referred by staff and/or parents to the school-based Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT) to determine if school-based or community-based interventions are needed. Targeted interventions are provided in the following areas:
- Anxiety, Depression, Self-Esteem, Trauma
- Self-Regulation, Impulse Control
- Aggression, Anger Management
- Social Skills
- Performance, Motivation Difficulty
- Multi-Disciplinary Team Members: School Administrator, School Counselor, School Psychologist, School Social Worker, Student Services Manager, School Resource Officer.
- Multi-Disciplinary Team Parent Referral: If you would like to request MCPS Mental Wellness support for your child, fill out the Multi-Disciplinary Team Referral Form and submit the completed form to your child’s School Counselor
Accessing Mental Wellness Resources in the Community
Marion County Public Schools partners with our community agencies to support students and families with their mental wellness needs.
- Marion County Counseling Availabilities List: Utilize the Marion County Counseling Availabilities List to browse available mental wellness resources available to Marion County residents.
- Navigating Insurance and Seeking Coordinated Care Across Agencies: Many families need guidance on how to access various levels of care and services, especially if there are multiple agencies involved in trying to support the child. Parents/Guardians can utilize the Parent Guide to Mental and Behavioral Health Resources to assist with navigating these systems of support.
- National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): This organization provides critical education to help caregivers of youth living with a mental illness gain the knowledge and skills to support their loved ones. The NAMI Marion website provides information on support groups, education, and resources available here in Marion County. Additionally, parents and guardians can take an On-Demand NAMI Basics course online which is self-paced and available 24/7.
- Charlie Health Parent and Caregiver Support Groups: These online support groups are free and open to the public. The QR code below may be utilized to register for any of these open sessions which take place on Monday nights at 8:00 p.m. EST.