African & African American History


Marion County Public Schools

District's Philosophy or Vision

Taking into consideration that new emphasis is being given to education and that additional obligations are constantly being placed on school students, we believe that

Education should provide for children and youth, regardless of race, color, or creed, experiences which will make possible their physical, intellectual, emotional, moral, social and civic development. These experiences should enable them to meet life situations to the best of their abilities and to become responsible, intelligent and functioning citizens of a democracy. - Board Policy 1.10

    For More Information on the African & African American History Curriculum Contact:

    Ms. Lindsey Barber

    6-12 Social Studies Program Specialist

    Marion County School District

    1614 E Fort King St.

    Ocala, FL 34471-2599

    (352) 236-0500, ext. 50193

    [email protected]